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Simplicity and Functionality in Design

Scandinavian design values simplicity and practicality. Inspired by these principles – minimalism, functionality, and timeless appeal – we created Dråpe crayons.

First Five Years

In the first five years of life, children undergo incredible cognitive, emotional, and motor development. Drawing is a key part of this journey. When kids pick up crayons, they’re making pictures, they’re honing fine motor skills, expressing feelings, and boosting brain development.

dråpe crayons on a bench, kids hand drawing with the crayons by the fjord
scandinavian crayon company dråpe crayons in 15 different colours

Made For Kids

The right tools can make a big difference. Dråpe crayons, with their ergonomic design, make sure these early drawing sessions are both fun and effective. Just like artists need the right tools, children benefit greatly from having crayons that are designed for their little hands.

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